Burn This Artwork
Burn This Artwork took the form of two flags. One installed at a bar near the Mojave called Stars Way Out. The other flag was installed in a private residence below the Hollywood sign in Los Angeles.
The fonts were different for each. One was san serif the the other serif. Each was created from reproductions of historical fonts used in Germany just prior to the Second World War. Nazi Party Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels banned Sans Serif fonts, suggesting they were Jewish in origin and only volkish, gothic fonts should be used in future. The gothic fonts then introduced were nick named jack boot gothic because of their ugly interpretation of old gothic fonts. Goebbels then realized that the gothic fonts were not easily read or useable for a growing empire and reversed his previous ruling. Sans Serif was reinstated.
The where abouts of the Mojave flag is unknown. The status of the Hollywood flag is also unknown.
OCTOBER 25, 2003 - OCTOBER 26, 2003