Geographic Tongue
A snake sees with his tongue. What does my tongue see?
My tongue exhibits an idiopathic condition known as “geographic”. This refers to the abnormal, migrating, slightly raised surface pattern that seems to react to different ingredients in the foods I taste or possibly to my different states of mind. Scientifically, anyway, it is not known why this occurs.
After encouraging responses by sampling various stimuli and by concentrating on particular thoughts and emotions, I will transpose one of these patterns as it emerges upon the surface of my tongue onto the desert floor.
I will draw with a homemade version of Hydroseed, an industrial product used in landscaping. My version of this slurry will be a mixture of water, paper, wood mulch, Lawn Dye, binder and local seed gathered from the area. The drawing will be temporary and left to decompose naturally.
—from the HDTS 3 catalogue
OCTOBER 25, 2003 - OCTOBER 26, 2003